Anaphylactogenic Molecules
This course has been developed for allergists, immunologists, paediatricians, dermatologists and pulmonologists.
It is always interesting to see the course program before starting it.
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How to use this course
Greetings from the President
Greetings from the Vice-President
Clinical Cases Olympiad
Before we begin...
Video lecture of Prof. Carmen Bunu Panaitescu: Anaphylaxis criteria
Alpha-Gal (red meat) - review
Alpha-Gal presentation
Key Molecule of RED MEAT
ImmunoDiagnostic Journal "a-Gal-associated meat allergy"
Dr Poziomkowska: Alpha-Gal clinical case
Video lecture of Prof Rudolf Valenta: Allergenic molecules of milk and egg
nBos d 8, casein (milk) - review
Algorithm for diagnosing allergy to milk molecules
Clinical case 1 within the project "Let them eat cake!"
Key molecule of MILK
Clinical Case - Winner of the First Wave of INUNIMAI Competition
Literature review on milk components
nGal d 1, Ovomucoid (egg)
Algorithm for the diagnosis of allergy to egg components
Clinical Case - Charlie
Clinical Cases - Andrea and Sylvia
Clinical case 2 within the project "Let them eat cake!"
Key molecule of EGG
Literature Review on Egg Components
Dr Poziomkowska: chicken egg allergy clinical case
Interactive game: molecules are searching for the allergen sources
Video: dangerous molecules in the kitchen
Video lecture of Prof Valenta: Anaphylactogenic LTPs, part 1
Video lecture of Prof Valenta: Anaphylactogenic LTPs, part 2
Molecule rCor a 8 (Hazelnut)
Molecule rJug r 3 (Walnut)
Molecule rAra h 9 LTP (Peanut)
Molecule rMal d 3 (Apple)
Molecule rPru p 3 (Peach)
Molecule rTri a 14 (Wheat)
Patient case 1
Molecule Tri a 19, Omega-5 Gliadin (Wheat)
Video lecture of Prof. Marcin Kurowski (Poland): Omega-5 gliadin lecture
Dr Poziomkowska - FDEIA clinical case
Clinical case - the winner of the second wave of INUNIMAI Olympiad
Video: reactions to wheat in many faces
Comics about real-life clinical case
LTP-Molecules are looking for their allergenic source
Dr Poziomkowska - LTP clinical case
Molecule Ara h 1 (peanut)
Molecule rAra h 2 (peanut)
Molecule Ara h 3 (peanut)
Patient case 1, Peanut
Peanut and Ara h6, presentation
Video introduction of Ara h 6
Video review of Peanut molecules
Peanut molecules are looking for their protein family
Molecule nCor a 9 (hazelnut)
Molecule rCor a 14 (hazelnut)
Allergy to Hazelnut. Mini lecture
Hazelnut molecules are looking for their protein family
Molecule rJug r 1 (walnut)
Molecule Jugr 3 (walnut)
Diagnostic algorithm: walnut allergy
Molecule nGly m 5 (soybean)
Molecule nGly m 6 (soybean)
Molecule rGly m 4 (soybean)
Test algorithm Soya
Patient case 1, Soya
Patient case 2, Soya
Patient case 3, Soya
References Soya
Molecule Ana o 3 (cashew)
ISAC Stories: The woman with the unexpected anaphylaxis...
Cashew review
Molecule Ses i 1 (sesame)
Ses 1 review
ISAC Stories: The restaurant customer with hidden sensitization...
Video lecture of Prof Valenta: anaphylactic seafood allergens, part 1
Video lecture of Prof Valenta: anaphylactic seafood allergens, part 2
Molecule rGad c 1 (Cod)
Molecule rCyp c 1 (Carp)
Comics about real-life clinical case
Key Molecules of Fish
Diagnostic algorithm in patients with suspected fish allergy
Anisakis Molecules: Ani s1 & Ani s3
Molecule Pen a 1 (Shrimp)
Other Shrimp Molecules: Pen m 1, Pen m 2, Pen m 4
Key Molecules of Seafood
Animation: fish and seafood allergenic molecules
The inhabitants of the oceans in search of their molecules
Venoms Allergy, Video Lecture of Dr. Iwona Poziomkowska
Venoms molecules introduction
Venoms overview
Diagnostic algorithms
Clinical cases
Tryptase and Venoms
Tryptase and Mastocytosis
Tryptase: Clinical case 1
Tryptase: Clinical case 2
Honey bee allergens
Molecule Api m 1 review
Key molecules of bee venom
Molecule Pol d 5 rewiew
Key molecule of paper wasp venom
Molecule Ves v 1 review
Molecule Ves v 5 review
Venoms Molecules animation
Key molecules of common wasp venom
Pediactrics-Management-Food-Allergy-School System
White paper_The Tryptase Test Clinical Use in Dermatology and Allergy - Screen
Lecture of Prof R. Valenta Grasses 2023
Lecture of Prof. R. Valenta Grasses 2023 with PL subtitles
Lecture of Prof. R. Valenta Furry animals allergens
Go Molecular! part 1
Go Molecular! part 2
Apple allergy in Europe
Clinical role of a lipid transfer protein by Pastorello
Par j 1 and Par j 2
Hanzelnut food challenge first
Allergens, IgE, mediators, inflammatory mechanisms
Mugwort, no crossreactivity
Peach LTP, Pastorello
Resistant to cooking
Sampson criteria for anaphylaxis
A Hard Nut to Crack
Carp Parvalbumin
Hypoallergenic Parvalbumin
Protease resistance of food proteins
Food allergy in Asia
Molecular characterization of Der p 10
Hypoallergenic parvalbumin mutan
Parvalbumin, a cross-reactive fish allergen and Ca2+depletion
ImmunoCAP puzzling allergies
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